Well…the time has come. We "can't" wear white anymore and there are not nearly enough valid excuses to leave work early to focus on your tan.
It just comes and goes way too quickly. The end of summer is never bittersweet for me. It's just sad!
I know I know…I can't really complain given that I live in sunny California and it's like summer year-round. But trips back home to the South remind me that I actually miss that suffocating humidity...sometimes.
It's been a great summer! Trips to Nashville, Charleston, Vegas and good ole Southwest Virginia always gave me something fun to look forward to when sitting in an air-conditioned office building. There were new babies and bridal showers to celebrate too! I've gotta say…I didn't realize until I left small town Abingdon, VA just how much I love that place. Hanging with the fam and enjoying the beauty of small town life won't be taken for granted anymore, that's for sure!
Back to summer…There were tons of fun country concerts to attend and interviews to be had! I chatted with Dee Jay Silver, The Cadillac Three, Leah Turner and Jamie Lynn Spears! So much fun!
Hangin with The Cadillac Three at The Troubadour |
I got to be a lady who lunches (my
dream) a few times this summer and had plenty of time to binge watch Scandal and DCC Making the Team. Yes, that's the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders show on CMT. Don't judge...I'm obsessed.
Me and my roomie…and Damon Wayans Jr. |