Impromptu trip to Vegas?!? I think yes!
And that's exactly what I did this weekend. Why not take the offer of a free hotel room at Caesar's Palace and spend Halloween weekend in the city that begs for craziness?!
Friday night was when the Halloween extravaganza began. It was the Paramount Halloween party! Talk about cool... Dressing up however you feel like it and dancing and mingling on a studio sound stage. Can't say that I've ever done that before!
Cute pic from the Paramount party: (and check out those lashes haha!)
Next thing you know I'm dancing to some Nicki Minaj while getting a text that says: Vegas at 6AM!!
Oh well...when you think Vegas, you really don't think sleep. So after the fun Paramount party, it was off to Vegas the next day. Just a quick trip, but it literally felt like I was there for weeks! Vegas can do that to ya!
We had a great room in Caesar's Palace, my friends got scammed by a guy on the streets trying to sell wristbands for a club (never listen to those guys), and I enjoyed a great dinner and fun night out!
I say I need more spontaneity in my life, and this weekend was just that. When you don't have too many responsibilities tying you down, you might as well experience this fun world around you as often as you can! #livinyoungandwildandfree right?!
Always have faith!!
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