Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Finally I can say it's been 24 - the year to soar!

Remember last year when it was my birthday? And I'm weird and come up with slogans every year...

That's right - last year's was 24-the year to soar. Well shoot...I had just plum given up thinking 24 was gonna be a soarin' kind of year, but oh how things changed!

I am no longer a Paramount page but a full-time real life grown up working in the Awards department at Paramount Pictures. That's right, I have a real job! WHAT?!

I thought it was never gonna happen. I had gotten used to my page uniform and small paychecks, but finally when I thought I couldn't give another dern tour, everything changed. Finally!!

And I must say my last day as a page was a great one. I worked The Doctors that day and got serenaded by the audience and took a picture with my favorite crew guys EVER!! Plus, all of my fellow page friends knew I just hated wearing those high-waisted khakis and blazer every day. It was almost surreal that I could retire that uniform forever.

No matter how much I may have complained about giving tours and wearing that uniform, being a page was the best first job a girl could ask for! It was like high school round two. You're basically hanging out with 50 people your age all the time. It was definitely a blessing and a great way to meet new friends in a brand new, scary city. Plus, I always LOVED working the shows and learning all about producing TV. You know I love me my talk shows... One day people, one day!

On September 30th, 2013 I began a brand new adventure. Now, I have my very own cubicle (which I plan to decorate with studly country musicians) and my own extension. Like people can actually call Paramount Pictures and ask for Whitney Fern. Craziness!

I just started my fourth week in the Paramount Awards department and I'm loving it. I get to plan and attend lots of fun, Hollywood events with big-time people! And if you know me at all, you know I love flitting around at events and meeting and mingling with lots of new people. So it's definitely a perfect fit!

I also somehow lucked out with a great boss who bought me Zac Brown Band tickets ahhh!! Can't wait to have some fun at the Hollywood Bowl this Friday!

So I guess it all worked out after-all. It's all been a big ole test of my patience that's for sure. At some point you just have to let go of everything and stop trying to control the outcome and pray that it all works out. And it usually does...

Looks like I better get ready for a jam-packed Awards season... Good thing I had a relaxing trip to Palm Springs right before I started the new job.

I decided to celebrate with a spa day... Turns out when I ask for a lady to be my masseuse they assumed I really mean an 18-year-old boy named Pedro. Let's just say it was more awkward and less relaxing than I'd hoped...

Other than that (and a crazy waiter), the trip was great! It ended up being a ZTA trip with three of my college sorority sisters. Good times!

I can't say 24 was a total bust until this new job. I mean I did get to go to a ton of country award shows and concerts, which I LOVE!!! And I've gotten to interview a ton of awesome actors and country artists as well!

Like these guys: Jared & the Mill. They're awesome and y'all should check them out!

Or if you're a fan of the TV show Nashville, we interviewed Chaley Rose who plays Zoey. She was the best!

Twenty-four was definitely filled with a bunch of new experiences and there's still so much more to look forward to!

I'm working a movie premiere tomorrow night for Jackass: Bad Grandpa!!

And I'm heading to Nashville for the CMA's in a couple of weeks. I'm sure it'll be another eventful trip! So I better plug the best country site EVER - www.spotlightcountry.com. I swear you'll love it! ;)

So that's what's new... Can't wait to see what happens next!

And don't worry...less than a month until my next slogan! I know you're just biting your nails wanting to know what it is. Ahhhh 25!!!  ;)

Let's hope it's even better than 24...if that's possible!

Always have faith!! (It's all that really matters after-all...)

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you this is all amazing! ZLAMM
