Friday, November 4, 2011

I had this dream...

Well it's a rainy day here in LA...and all I want to do is stay in bed! My new bed by the just got delivered today! Look!

So while I'm being lazy, I've been trying to figure out exactly what it is that I'm meant to do with my life. I know I love hosting - we practiced red carpet interviewing at my class on Wednesday night, and that was a lot of fun! Hosting would definitely be my dream job! I feel so much like myself when I'm interviewing and speaking in front of people. But I've been so confused about what my next step should be...just like a lot of people my age probably are. We're all wondering what the future holds...

But it was so weird! I woke up this morning with an idea! Maybe it was me thinking about hosting right before I went to bed, but I came up with a cool hosting idea in my sleep. I want to start a web series where I interview different people and talk about their goals and dreams for the future. I could interview people who have been through their "turbulent twenties" and get advice for people my age who are trying to figure out what steps to take. And I can interview people my age who talk about why they are where they are at the moment and what their goals and dreams are for the future...

I've always loved learning about different people and how they end up where they are; and it's always inspiring to share dreams and goals with other people. Maybe this web show idea could be a great way to demonstrate how things happen for a reason... And it would be a great way to highlight the different stages in life that eventually lead you down the path you're meant to take.

The idea kind of reminds me of a country song (haha of course)! It's called This by Darius Rucker. Check it out!

So what do you think about my idea?? I feel like learning about the stages of life and different people's paths would be a really cool show. I know I could definitely benefit from other people's advice!

Anyways...I'll keep you posted on my show idea. Hopefully I can start interviewing people soon!

Always have faith!!


  1. Great idea!!! You should play our game with them too, "If you were a ______ what would you be???"!!! Big things, Whit!! Keep it up girl = ]

    Mandy <3

  2. haha love it! thanks Mandy!! love you girl!
